Because nobody ever felt worse without sugar.
It is pretty wild how many different types of diets there are out there. Low carb, high carb, meat only, pescatarian, vegetarian, vegan, fruit only…just to name a few. Some people have massive success on extreme diets, others just feel like they fail over and over and never feel ‘great’. Whether it’s constantly being drained, hungry, bloated, overweight, or whatever may be getting you down.
The thing with sugar-free is that it’s for everyone. I have never heard anyone say, “Man, when I cut out sugar I felt like crap.” Quite the contrary, they may struggle for a couple of days, but everyone says how renewed the feel after just a week….and even more amazing after just a month! And I don’t just mean remove the sugars, I mean to completely change your palate. To taste the sweetness in fruit again, to be able to eat something without loading it up with more and more sweetness. To me this means, no sugar, no carb spikes, no added sweetener. Of course, this doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Whether it’s one meal a week, one day a week, or a month - our recipes are here to help you enjoy food again.
I want to make this something for the whole family, if you have kids - picky toddlers. No biggie. If you are postpartum, I can try to help that too. I am not a doctor so please don’t take any of this as medical advice, but I have been cooking for my 2 very picky toddlers, ultramarathon running husband, as well as myself. I went from picky - and only eating Nutella, Pasta, bread, and basically any high carb sugar rush. To receiving a diagnosis that my hormones were all out of whack, so I have learned to love and enjoy real food again and it has been amazing!
If there is something you are struggling with finding, whether it be recipes within a certain parameter, or something healthy that you can feed your incredibly sweet-toothed in-laws (I’ve been there..) let me know and I can try to help!
It doesn’t make sense to remove sugar just to add artificial sweetener or another large amount of honey/maple syrup. Learn to use spices, flavors, and enjoy them as is. Without making everything sweet. Sweet has a place, and is so delicious when used sparingly or for holiday and treats, not in your every day ‘healthy’ breakfast, coffees, teas, salad dressings, dips, sauces…you get the point!
If you cut sugar out of your diet you and your family will:
Experience better moods - less mood swings - sleep better - have better skin - have more energy - remove brain fog - have better gut health - be healthier overall - get sick less - have stronger immune systems - have better hair -be happier
The average American consumes
17 grams of added sugar a day
60 POUNDS of added sugar a year
To put that in perspective, dietary guidelines recommend 20 pounds or less sugar a year. So we are consuming over 300% more sugar than what is recommended. Our children are even worse off, they consume an average amount of 66 grams of sugar a year.