6 Month - BLW Menu

For the first 3 weeks of Baby Led Weaning I like to get all of the allergens out of the way, and I only feed one meal a day. These foods are either very mashed or super soft and easy for the baby to move around their mouth.

Days 1 - 7:

I was super nervous with our first daughter, so if you feel the same, and have no idea where to start then I would start with an avocado rolled in hemp seeds. These are nutritious, soft, and you can really see how ready your baby is and how they work on eating. The hemp seeds can help your baby grasp a slipper avocado slice.

This week I would do a finger swipe of peanut butter in the little ones mouth, wait 30 minutes, then serve a chunk of banana. I cut them into thirds along the lines where they just kind of split apart and serve them that way. Other than just this swipe with a finger, be careful serving chunks of nut butters to babies because it is dry and sticky and can cause them choke.

The next day, I would do unsweetened yogurt to test out a dairy allergy, while bitter to our tastebuds that are used to sweet things, a baby will devour yogurt and the probiotics are so beneficial to them. Kefir is another option here. I have written in other posts about the health benefits of Kefir but a healthy gut in a baby will mean one that gets sick significantly less often.

You can then try a slice of toast, cut finger size, with mashed avocado on top. Nutritious and you can check for any wheat allergies.

Tofu is great because it is soft, you can eat it uncooked or cooked. It is very nutritious and healthy for babies, cheap on the wallet, easy to travel with, and will check off the soy allergy.

I prefer offering hardboiled eggs first. I always think they seem softer than scrambled eggs but either way, I would add some breast milk or water to the eggs before they are scrambled to make them nice and fluffy. If you are hard-boiling and egg make sure to add milk or water to the yolk because that can be chalky and dry. Just cut the egg into quarters, prep and offer.

Day 8-14

Salmon is one of my favorite things to serve a baby. Packed full of DHA and healthy omega’s, seafood needs to be served at a minimum once a week to help with brain development. This will also check off a fish allergy. Make sure to double check and remove all bones, even if it says ‘deboned’ I often find bones in even deboned salmon fillets.

Hummus is healthy and easy, you can make your own with a couple spoonful’s of tahini blended with lemon and garbanzo beans (chickpeas) but if you choose to purchase it, try to get one with minimal ingredients and no added sweetener. It also has to be made with tahini in order to check off a sesame allergy!

Almond Butter can be introduced the same way as peanut butter.

Keep offering Kefir or Yogurt, and eggs to keep up the beneficial bacteria. To make yogurt a finger food, add some slices of berries or dip toast in them so the baby can grab it. Remember this stage is all about playing with food, rather than worrying about actual consumption and eating a certain amount.

Steamed Carrots are super fun to offer, steam them until very soft (when you pinch them they ‘melt’) and offer then up! It’s great to start including vegetables and colors so they get used to being exposed to them.

Day 15-21

Mashed Beans are a good source of iron, we always serve with softened bell pepper or some sliced tomato (skin removed) to get vitamin c and help with the iron absorption. Beans can also cause constipation so add in some ground flax to help with that.

Shrimp is a hard one to serve this early but if you chop it really small and mash it then serve with mashed avocado, it is such a healthy meal and will check of the shellfish allergy!

Kefir, yogurt, and eggs should be served every week at least once.

Sweet Potatoes are one of my favorites because they go well with almost any spice, so its a great way to introduce flavors! You can also cook these so many different ways, so it’s great to introduce textures. Cinnamon is a great start, its a bit sweeter. But it can also cause contact dermatitis, so if they eat cinnamon and then rub their eyes or belly, there is a chance they get a little rash. This isn’t an allergic reaction just an over reactive immune system response! You can also add in a small amount of curry powder, just make sure it isn’t too spicy!

Day 21-28

Squash with turmeric. This sounds exotic, but all you have to do is roast a squash, or cook it - it will naturally become soft, and add some turmeric! Turmeric is so good for our immune systems, I love adding it in as much as I can! Add a small crack of black pepper to help with absorption of curcumin (the good stuff in turmeric). You can then eat the squash as a side, sprinkled with some parmesan cheese.

Spinach, kiwi, and apple. I would chop the spinach up really small, then steam all 3 of these together - you can puree them or serve them chunky! Kiwi is naturally soft, apple is delicious steamed and the spinach will get soft and wilted, so easy to eat if it has been mixed into small chunks. Plus introducing a lot of green foods early on is so important for picky eating.

Kefir, eggs, and yogurt. Should still be served. Along with a seafood such as salmon, canned oysters, or cod.

Beets are another family favorite in this house. When cooked they have such a nice sweet but earthly flavor. Be aware it can change their poop (and less likely but possible, pee) red! So for a day or 2 after serving beets don’t be alarmed in stool changes. Boil a beet, add some ground cloves and serve! They are so great for adults and children alike. You can also serve my Beet and Orange Panna Cotta.

Last but not least, by this point you should feel a but more confident in watching your little one eat so I would serve a small slice of a well cooked burger, made with ground beef or even a ground turkey burger. Meat is hard because it can have a lot of gagging and coughing. Just remember sounds are ok, your baby will work through it. Meat is the best way for your baby to keep up their iron stores, babies have to eat meat, even if you are a vegetarian.

Congratulations!!! One month down!!


All About Baby Led Weaning


7 to 9 Months -BLW Menu